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Town Hall Part II – 2019 BBSJ Summit

Everyone agrees that there should be an open internet, and that no company should be allowed to block access to lawful websites; throttle or slow down traffic for anti-competitive or anti-consumer purposes; or unfairly discriminate against different content providers, services, or viewpoints online. But that’s where the agreement ends. As congressional leaders begin work on a net neutrality bill, experts representing communities of color discuss what legislative solutions will protect our civil rights online while facilitating new applications such as telehealth.


  • S. Jenell Trigg, CIPP/US, Partner and Chair, Privacy and Data Security Practice, Lerman Senter; Member, MMTC Board of Advisors #SJenellTrigg @LermanSenter


  • Koustubh “K.J.” Bagchi, Senior Staff Attorney, Telecommunications, Technology, and Media, Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC @KGBagchi @AAAJ_AAJC
  • Doug Brake, Director of Broadband and Spectrum Policy, Information Technology and Innovation Foundation @DBRakeITIF @ITIFdc
  • Jim Doyle, President, Business Forward @JimDoyleDC @BusinessForward
  • Harold Feld, Senior Vice President, Public Knowledge @HaroldFeld @PublicKnowledge
  • Nicol Turner-Lee, Ph.D, Fellow, Center for Technology Innovation, The Brookings Institution @DrTurnerLee @BrookingsInst
  • Brent Wilkes, Senior Vice President for Institutional Development, Hispanic Federation; Member, MMTC Board of Directors @BrentWilkes @HispanicFed @MMTCOnline

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