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Panel I – Tech Prep

Part I: The Who, What, and Why of Tech

Description: Speakers will introduce students to the opportunities available in the tech field through individual tech talks, followed by a panel with all of the speakers. Speakers will cover: why students should be considering tech-related careers, including trends in the new digital space, tech entrepreneurship, apprenticeship, and cool success stories; types of jobs in tech, emphasizing the diversity of job types within the industry, to encompass students who are artistic or not “techy” (jobs types would include coding, design, app development, social media, and more); and personal stories from successful diverse entrepreneurs and leaders in tech. A representative from the WIAAI Consortium will discuss opportunities in entrepreneurship and apprenticeship.

Individual Tech Talks followed by Panel Discussion

  • Marcus Noel, Founder and CEO, Heart of Man, @HoM_Noel

– First Round of Giveaways with Students and Special STEM/Music Presentation with DJ –

  • Kendrick “DJ 5 Starr” Tilghman, Founder, B.E.M.O.R.E. S.T.E.M., @dj5starr @BeMoreSTEM
  • Chad Hall, Founder and CEO, RemodelMate, @cmhaitch @RemodelMate
  • Aaron Saunders, ‎Founder and CEO, Clearly Innovative; Luma Labs; In3DC, @C_Innovative @Luma_Lab @In3DC

More Music and Giveaways with DJ –

  • Wayne Curtis, Ph.D., Managing Partner, Curtis Concepts, LLC; Acting Director, Center for Urban Entrepreneurship, School of Business and Public Administration, University of the District of Columbia, @udc_edu
  • Angel Rich, Founder, The Wealth Factory, Inc; App Developer, CreditStacker, @Wealthylifers


Panel and Q&A (with the previous presenters):

  • Moderator: Brandon Andrews, Casting Agent, “Shark Tank,” @brandontalk

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