MMTC Telecom and Internet Policy Task Force Open Meeting
4G vs. 5G: Next-Gen Apps, Wired, and Wireless Technology Take Us to the Future
Description: Industry leaders from the top telecom firms discuss the latest in the next generation of wireless technology – from our wired and wireless infrastructure, to end-user apps – and their impact on multicultural consumers, jobs, minority- and women-owned business enterprises, and the nation’s economy.
Rikin Thakker, Ph.D., Vice President of Telecommunications and Spectrum Policy, MMTC - @RikinThakker @MMTConline
Opening Remarks:
Hon. Clifford “Cliff” Stearns, Member of Congress Emeritus; Co-Chair, MMTC’s Telecom and Internet Policy Task Force - @RepCliffStearns
Hon. Edolphus “Ed” Towns, Member of Congress Emeritus; Co-Chair, MMTC’s Telecom and Internet Policy Task Force - @EdTowns
Opening Presentation:
Rikin Thakker, Ph.D., Vice President of Telecommunications and Spectrum Policy, MMTC - @RikinThakker @MMTConline
David Don, Vice President, Regulatory Policy, Comcast - #DavidDon @ComcastPolicy
Rebecca Hunter, External Affairs, Corporate Development & Strategy, Crown Castle - #RebeccaHunter #CrownCastle
Steve Sharkey, Vice President, Government Affairs, Engineering and Technology Policy, T-Mobile - #SteveSharkey @TMobile
Sanjay Udani, Ph.D., Vice President for Technology Policy, Verizon - @SanjayUdani @VerizonPolicy
4G vs. 5G: Next-Gen Apps, Wired, and Wireless Technology Take Us to the Future
Description: Industry leaders from the top telecom firms discuss the latest in the next generation of wireless technology – from our wired and wireless infrastructure, to end-user apps – and their impact on multicultural consumers, jobs, minority- and women-owned business enterprises, and the nation’s economy.
Rikin Thakker, Ph.D., Vice President of Telecommunications and Spectrum Policy, MMTC - @RikinThakker @MMTConline
Opening Remarks:
Hon. Clifford “Cliff” Stearns, Member of Congress Emeritus; Co-Chair, MMTC’s Telecom and Internet Policy Task Force - @RepCliffStearns
Hon. Edolphus “Ed” Towns, Member of Congress Emeritus; Co-Chair, MMTC’s Telecom and Internet Policy Task Force - @EdTowns
Opening Presentation:
Rikin Thakker, Ph.D., Vice President of Telecommunications and Spectrum Policy, MMTC - @RikinThakker @MMTConline
David Don, Vice President, Regulatory Policy, Comcast - #DavidDon @ComcastPolicy
Rebecca Hunter, External Affairs, Corporate Development & Strategy, Crown Castle - #RebeccaHunter #CrownCastle
Steve Sharkey, Vice President, Government Affairs, Engineering and Technology Policy, T-Mobile - #SteveSharkey @TMobile
Sanjay Udani, Ph.D., Vice President for Technology Policy, Verizon - @SanjayUdani @VerizonPolicy

Access to Capital Awards Luncheon
Description: MMTC celebrates successes and opportunities in access to capital for diverse entrepreneurs in media, telecom, and tech. MMTC confers its Champion of Access to Capital Award upon Keynote Speaker Benjamin Todd Jealous, and inducts National Coalition on Black Civic Participation President and CEO Melanie Campbell into its Hall of Fame.
Kim Keenan, President and CEO, MMTC - @IamKimKeenan @MMTConline
Bishop Steven J. Smith, Executive Director, Public Policy Institute and Media & Telecom Project, Rainbow PUSH Coalition - @BishopStevSmith @RPCoalition
Hall of Fame Inductee:
Melanie L. Campbell, President and CEO, National Coalition on Black Civic Participation - @coalitionbuildr @NCBCP
Champion of Access to Capital and Keynote Speaker:
Benjamin Todd Jealous, Partner, Kapor Capital; Former President and CEO, NAACP - @BenJealous @KaporCapital
Description: MMTC celebrates successes and opportunities in access to capital for diverse entrepreneurs in media, telecom, and tech. MMTC confers its Champion of Access to Capital Award upon Keynote Speaker Benjamin Todd Jealous, and inducts National Coalition on Black Civic Participation President and CEO Melanie Campbell into its Hall of Fame.
Kim Keenan, President and CEO, MMTC - @IamKimKeenan @MMTConline
Bishop Steven J. Smith, Executive Director, Public Policy Institute and Media & Telecom Project, Rainbow PUSH Coalition - @BishopStevSmith @RPCoalition
Hall of Fame Inductee:
Melanie L. Campbell, President and CEO, National Coalition on Black Civic Participation - @coalitionbuildr @NCBCP
Champion of Access to Capital and Keynote Speaker:
Benjamin Todd Jealous, Partner, Kapor Capital; Former President and CEO, NAACP - @BenJealous @KaporCapital

Increasing Minority Ownership in Television and Radio Broadcasting
Presented by MMTC Media and Telecom Brokers
Description: The MMTC Media and Telecom Brokerage joins the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) and the NAB Education Foundation (NABEF) to discuss the NAB/NABEF Capital Assets strategic initiative to increase capital availability for minority and women broadcasters and NABEF events and initiatives, including the Broadcast Leadership Training program, and Executive and Leadership Development Programs. The presenters also discuss the Awareness in Reporting Initiative’s inaugural Reporting on Race effort; the growth of broadcast radio and television; and how market expansion creates opportunities for minority and women ownership.
David Honig, President Emeritus and Senior Advisor, MMTC; President, MMTC Media and Telecom Brokers - @DavidHonig2 @MMTConline
Suzanne Gougherty, Director and Senior Broker, MMTC Media and Telecom Brokers - #SuzanneGougherty @MMTConline
Marcellus Alexander, Executive Vice President, Television, National Association of Broadcasters; President, NAB Education Foundation - #MarcellusAlexander @nabtweets
Joseph Di Scipio, Senior Vice President, Legal and Federal - Communications Commission Compliance, Fox Television - #JosephDiScipio @FOXTV
Anthony Hernandez, Vice Chairman and CEO, Oi2 Media Corp. - #AnthonyHernandez #Oi2Networks
Tomas Martinez, Owner and President, Solmart Media, LLC - #TomasMartinez #SolmartMedia
DuJuan McCoy, Owner, President, and CEO, Bayou City Broadcasting - #DuJuanMcCoy #BayouCityBroadcasting
Loris Taylor, President and CEO, Native Public Media - #LorisTaylor @NativePublicMed
Presented by MMTC Media and Telecom Brokers
Description: The MMTC Media and Telecom Brokerage joins the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) and the NAB Education Foundation (NABEF) to discuss the NAB/NABEF Capital Assets strategic initiative to increase capital availability for minority and women broadcasters and NABEF events and initiatives, including the Broadcast Leadership Training program, and Executive and Leadership Development Programs. The presenters also discuss the Awareness in Reporting Initiative’s inaugural Reporting on Race effort; the growth of broadcast radio and television; and how market expansion creates opportunities for minority and women ownership.
David Honig, President Emeritus and Senior Advisor, MMTC; President, MMTC Media and Telecom Brokers - @DavidHonig2 @MMTConline
Suzanne Gougherty, Director and Senior Broker, MMTC Media and Telecom Brokers - #SuzanneGougherty @MMTConline
Marcellus Alexander, Executive Vice President, Television, National Association of Broadcasters; President, NAB Education Foundation - #MarcellusAlexander @nabtweets
Joseph Di Scipio, Senior Vice President, Legal and Federal - Communications Commission Compliance, Fox Television - #JosephDiScipio @FOXTV
Anthony Hernandez, Vice Chairman and CEO, Oi2 Media Corp. - #AnthonyHernandez #Oi2Networks
Tomas Martinez, Owner and President, Solmart Media, LLC - #TomasMartinez #SolmartMedia
DuJuan McCoy, Owner, President, and CEO, Bayou City Broadcasting - #DuJuanMcCoy #BayouCityBroadcasting
Loris Taylor, President and CEO, Native Public Media - #LorisTaylor @NativePublicMed

Game of Drones: Smartfarms, Driverless Cars, Drones, and the Latest Developments in the Internet of Things
Description: From drones to driverless cars, the Internet of Things (IoT) is changing the way we live and interact. Leaders in tech innovation demonstrate the impact of the latest game-changing technology on opportunities for diverse entrepreneurs and the lives of communities of color.
Kristal High Taylor, Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief, Politic365 - @KristalHigh @Politic365
On-Screen Demos and Presentations:
Linda Gill Anderson, Director of Membership, National Parking Association - @landerson20036 @WeAreParking
Bradley Baird, Government Affairs Project Coordinator, Policy and External Affairs, Microsoft - @BradleyBaird @Microsoft
Aws Ali, Enterprise Manager, PrecisionHawk - #AwsAli @PrecisionHawk
Catherine McCullough, Executive Director, Intelligent Car Coalition - #CatherineMcCullough @TechOnTires
Description: From drones to driverless cars, the Internet of Things (IoT) is changing the way we live and interact. Leaders in tech innovation demonstrate the impact of the latest game-changing technology on opportunities for diverse entrepreneurs and the lives of communities of color.
Kristal High Taylor, Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief, Politic365 - @KristalHigh @Politic365
On-Screen Demos and Presentations:
Linda Gill Anderson, Director of Membership, National Parking Association - @landerson20036 @WeAreParking
Bradley Baird, Government Affairs Project Coordinator, Policy and External Affairs, Microsoft - @BradleyBaird @Microsoft
Aws Ali, Enterprise Manager, PrecisionHawk - #AwsAli @PrecisionHawk
Catherine McCullough, Executive Director, Intelligent Car Coalition - #CatherineMcCullough @TechOnTires

Access to Capital Awards and Networking Reception
Description: MMTC presents its Extraordinary Service and Entrepreneur of the Year Awards. MMTC highlights its mentoring committee and acknowledges its current and former fellows, interns, and staff.
Maurita Coley Flippin, Executive Vice President, MMTC - @MauritaColey @MMTConline
Erwin Krasnow, Partner, Garvey Schubert Barer; Vice Chair, MMTC Board of Directors; Chair, MMTC Mentoring Committee - @Ekrasnow @gsblaw
Entrepreneur of the Year:
Pedro Zamora, Owner, Zamora Broadcasting; Owner, LaZ 1310AM WDTW Detroit - @Zamoraent
Extraordinary Service Awards:
Hon. Alfred C. Sikes, Former Chairman, Federal Communications Commission - @AlSikesAuthor
George H. Simmons, Ph.D., Founder and CEO, BingeNow - #GeorgeHSimmons @bingenow
Closing Remarks:
Kim Keenan, President and CEO, MMTC - @IamKimKeenan @MMTConline
Description: MMTC presents its Extraordinary Service and Entrepreneur of the Year Awards. MMTC highlights its mentoring committee and acknowledges its current and former fellows, interns, and staff.
Maurita Coley Flippin, Executive Vice President, MMTC - @MauritaColey @MMTConline
Erwin Krasnow, Partner, Garvey Schubert Barer; Vice Chair, MMTC Board of Directors; Chair, MMTC Mentoring Committee - @Ekrasnow @gsblaw
Entrepreneur of the Year:
Pedro Zamora, Owner, Zamora Broadcasting; Owner, LaZ 1310AM WDTW Detroit - @Zamoraent
Extraordinary Service Awards:
Hon. Alfred C. Sikes, Former Chairman, Federal Communications Commission - @AlSikesAuthor
George H. Simmons, Ph.D., Founder and CEO, BingeNow - #GeorgeHSimmons @bingenow
Closing Remarks:
Kim Keenan, President and CEO, MMTC - @IamKimKeenan @MMTConline

FCC Commissioners’ Breakfast
Description: Current and former FCC commissioners and senior staff discuss media incubators, net neutrality, the revival of the FCC’s Tax Certificate policy, consumer privacy, municipal broadband, digital equity, the FCC’s Advisory Committee on Diversity in the Digital Age, and more.
Hon. Deborah Taylor Tate, Former Commissioner, Federal Communications Commission; Executive Director, Tennessee Supreme Court Office of the Courts; Vice Chair, MMTC Board of Directors - @momatate
Matthew Berry, Chief of Staff, Federal Communications Commission - @matthewberryfcc @FCC
Chairman’s Address (via video):
Hon. Ajit Pai, Chairman, Federal Communications Commission - @AjitPaiFCC @FCC
Fireside Chat with Commissioner Mignon Clyburn:
Hon. Mignon L. Clyburn, Commissioner and Former Acting Chairwoman, Federal Communications Commission - @MClyburnFCC @FCC
Interviewer: Kim Keenan, President and CEO, MMTC - @IamKimKeenan @MMTConline
Fireside Chat with Commissioner Michael O'Rielly:
Hon. Michael O’Rielly, Commissioner, Federal Communications Commission - @mikeofcc @FCC
Interviewer: Hon. Deborah Taylor Tate, Former Commissioner, Federal Communications Commission; Executive Director, Tennessee Supreme Court Office of the Courts; Vice Chair, MMTC Board of Directors - @momatate
Fireside Chat with Former Chairman Richard E. Wiley:
Hon. Richard “Dick” Wiley, Former Chairman, Federal Communications Commission; Chairman Emeritus, Wiley
Rein LLP - @WileyRein
Interviewer: Hon. Deborah Taylor Tate, Former Commissioner, Federal Communications Commission; Executive Director, Tennessee Supreme Court Office of the Courts; Vice Chair, MMTC Board of Directors - @momatate
Joan Marsh, Senior Vice President, Federal Regulatory, AT&T - #JoanMarsh @ATTPublicPolicy
Description: Current and former FCC commissioners and senior staff discuss media incubators, net neutrality, the revival of the FCC’s Tax Certificate policy, consumer privacy, municipal broadband, digital equity, the FCC’s Advisory Committee on Diversity in the Digital Age, and more.
Hon. Deborah Taylor Tate, Former Commissioner, Federal Communications Commission; Executive Director, Tennessee Supreme Court Office of the Courts; Vice Chair, MMTC Board of Directors - @momatate
Matthew Berry, Chief of Staff, Federal Communications Commission - @matthewberryfcc @FCC
Chairman’s Address (via video):
Hon. Ajit Pai, Chairman, Federal Communications Commission - @AjitPaiFCC @FCC
Fireside Chat with Commissioner Mignon Clyburn:
Hon. Mignon L. Clyburn, Commissioner and Former Acting Chairwoman, Federal Communications Commission - @MClyburnFCC @FCC
Interviewer: Kim Keenan, President and CEO, MMTC - @IamKimKeenan @MMTConline
Fireside Chat with Commissioner Michael O'Rielly:
Hon. Michael O’Rielly, Commissioner, Federal Communications Commission - @mikeofcc @FCC
Interviewer: Hon. Deborah Taylor Tate, Former Commissioner, Federal Communications Commission; Executive Director, Tennessee Supreme Court Office of the Courts; Vice Chair, MMTC Board of Directors - @momatate
Fireside Chat with Former Chairman Richard E. Wiley:
Hon. Richard “Dick” Wiley, Former Chairman, Federal Communications Commission; Chairman Emeritus, Wiley
Rein LLP - @WileyRein
Interviewer: Hon. Deborah Taylor Tate, Former Commissioner, Federal Communications Commission; Executive Director, Tennessee Supreme Court Office of the Courts; Vice Chair, MMTC Board of Directors - @momatate
Joan Marsh, Senior Vice President, Federal Regulatory, AT&T - #JoanMarsh @ATTPublicPolicy

Infrastructure, Supplier Diversity, and the Jobs of the Future: The Economic Impact of Broadband Infrastructure Investment under the Trump Administration
Description: Telecommunications companies collectively spend over $40 billion per year to upgrade and roll out new infrastructure to support the increasing need for an ever-expanding international information highway. Not all of these capital expenses are supported by corporate investments. In some instances, government is encouraging infrastructure initiatives by companies through grant funding such as the Connect America Fund for reaching underrepresented populations, and competitive awards for nationwide public safety interoperability initiatives such as FirstNet. More broadly, the Trump Administration will soon present its national infrastructure plan to Congress, and broadband is expected to be an important part of it.
This panel focuses on ways diverse companies can participate in each of these areas to help drive economic growth, foster business expansion, and increase workforce opportunities.
Dr. Ronald Johnson, President, Solutions4Change, LLC; Director and Treasurer, MMTC Board of Directors - #DrRonaldJohnson @FairfaxEDA @MMTConline
Special Remarks:
Frank Freeman, Chief Administrative Officer, FirstNet - #FrankFreeman @FirstNetGov
Michael Dennis, CEO, Big Green Group - #MichaelDennis #BigGreenGroup
Roslyn Layton, Visiting Fellow, Center for Internet, Communications, and Technology Policy, American Enterprise Institute - @RoslynLayton
Spencer Overton, President, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies - @SpencerOverton @JointCenter
Sanford Williams, Director, Office of Communications Business Opportunities (OCBO), Federal Communications Commission - #SanfordWilliams @FCC
Description: Telecommunications companies collectively spend over $40 billion per year to upgrade and roll out new infrastructure to support the increasing need for an ever-expanding international information highway. Not all of these capital expenses are supported by corporate investments. In some instances, government is encouraging infrastructure initiatives by companies through grant funding such as the Connect America Fund for reaching underrepresented populations, and competitive awards for nationwide public safety interoperability initiatives such as FirstNet. More broadly, the Trump Administration will soon present its national infrastructure plan to Congress, and broadband is expected to be an important part of it.
This panel focuses on ways diverse companies can participate in each of these areas to help drive economic growth, foster business expansion, and increase workforce opportunities.
Dr. Ronald Johnson, President, Solutions4Change, LLC; Director and Treasurer, MMTC Board of Directors - #DrRonaldJohnson @FairfaxEDA @MMTConline
Special Remarks:
Frank Freeman, Chief Administrative Officer, FirstNet - #FrankFreeman @FirstNetGov
Michael Dennis, CEO, Big Green Group - #MichaelDennis #BigGreenGroup
Roslyn Layton, Visiting Fellow, Center for Internet, Communications, and Technology Policy, American Enterprise Institute - @RoslynLayton
Spencer Overton, President, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies - @SpencerOverton @JointCenter
Sanford Williams, Director, Office of Communications Business Opportunities (OCBO), Federal Communications Commission - #SanfordWilliams @FCC

The Key to Bridging the Wealth and Skills Gaps through Wireless Apprenticeship
Featuring Presentations by the Wireless Infrastructure Apprenticeship Access Initiative (WIAAI - MMTC, National Urban League, and the Wireless Infrastructure Association), and the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL)
Description: Apprenticeships have been lauded as having greater value than a four-year college degree in industries in which the skills gap creates labor shortages. Can apprenticeships be the solution to bridging both the skills gap and the persistent wealth gap between minority and majority communities? The WIAAI is a consortium of the National Urban League, the Wireless Infrastructure Association, and MMTC, who have partnered under the U.S. Department of Labor’s ApprenticeshipUSA equity initiative to achieve greater diversity and inclusion in the telecommunications industry through apprenticeships. The panelists discuss the DOL’s $90 million investment in apprenticeships and its value to the U.S. economy.
Maurita Coley Flippin, Executive Vice President, MMTC - @MauritaColey @MMTConline
Special Remarks:
Daniel Villao, Deputy Administrator, Office of Apprenticeship, U.S. Department of Labor - #DanielVillao @USDOL
Debra Bennett, Training Consultant & Director of Apprenticeship, Wireless Infrastructure Association - #DebraBennett @WIAorg
Ronald Marlow, Vice President of Workforce Development, National Urban League - #RonaldMarlow @NatUrbanLeague
Rikin Thakker, Ph.D., Vice President of Telecommunications and Spectrum Policy, MMTC - @RikinThakker @MMTConline
Daniel Villao, Deputy Administrator, Office of Apprenticeship, U.S. Department of Labor - #DanielVillao @USDOL
Featuring Presentations by the Wireless Infrastructure Apprenticeship Access Initiative (WIAAI - MMTC, National Urban League, and the Wireless Infrastructure Association), and the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL)
Description: Apprenticeships have been lauded as having greater value than a four-year college degree in industries in which the skills gap creates labor shortages. Can apprenticeships be the solution to bridging both the skills gap and the persistent wealth gap between minority and majority communities? The WIAAI is a consortium of the National Urban League, the Wireless Infrastructure Association, and MMTC, who have partnered under the U.S. Department of Labor’s ApprenticeshipUSA equity initiative to achieve greater diversity and inclusion in the telecommunications industry through apprenticeships. The panelists discuss the DOL’s $90 million investment in apprenticeships and its value to the U.S. economy.
Maurita Coley Flippin, Executive Vice President, MMTC - @MauritaColey @MMTConline
Special Remarks:
Daniel Villao, Deputy Administrator, Office of Apprenticeship, U.S. Department of Labor - #DanielVillao @USDOL
Debra Bennett, Training Consultant & Director of Apprenticeship, Wireless Infrastructure Association - #DebraBennett @WIAorg
Ronald Marlow, Vice President of Workforce Development, National Urban League - #RonaldMarlow @NatUrbanLeague
Rikin Thakker, Ph.D., Vice President of Telecommunications and Spectrum Policy, MMTC - @RikinThakker @MMTConline
Daniel Villao, Deputy Administrator, Office of Apprenticeship, U.S. Department of Labor - #DanielVillao @USDOL

Congressional Luncheon
Description: Current and former members of Congress, state legislators, and policy advocates address the biggest issues in telecom, tech, entrepreneurship, and the digital divide, and the impact of these issues on their constituents.
Brent Wilkes, President and CEO, League of United Latin American Citizens; Member, MMTC Board of Directors - @BrentWilkes @LULAC
Hon. Tony Cárdenas (D-CA), Member, U.S. House of Representatives - @RepCardenas
Hon. Edolphus “Ed” Towns, Member of Congress Emeritus;
Co-Chair, MMTC’s Telecom and Internet Policy Task Force - @EdTowns
Opening Remarks:
Hon. Clifford “Cliff” Stearns, Member of Congress Emeritus;
Co-Chair, MMTC’s Telecom and Internet Policy Task Force - @RepCliffStearns
Hon. Edolphus “Ed” Towns, Member of Congress Emeritus;
Co-Chair, MMTC’s Telecom and Internet Policy Task Force - @EdTowns
Hon. Yvette D. Clarke (D-NY), Member, U.S. House of Representatives - @RepYvetteClarke
Introduction of Keynote:
Hon. Julia L. Johnson, President and CEO, NetCommunications; Chair, MMTC Board of Directors - @JuliaLJohn @MMTConline
Luncheon Keynote and Hall of Fame Inductee:
Hon. Rodney E. Slater, Former Secretary, U. S. Department of Transportation; Partner, Squire Patton Boggs - #RodneyESlater @SPB_Global
Presentation of Award:
Ari Q. Fitzgerald, Partner, Hogan Lovells; Secretary, MMTC Board of Directors - @HoganLovells
Corporate Social Impact Award:
Accepted by: Pia D. Wilson-Body, Executive Director, Intel Foundation & Director of Greater Americas, Corporate Affairs, Intel - @PWBODY @intel
Santana Initiative to Encourage Mobile Video Use for Social Justice:
Kim Keenan, President and CEO, MMTC - @IamKimKeenan @MMTConline
Remarks by Partners:
Hon. Laura Hall (AL), National President, National Organization of Black Elected Legislative (NOBEL) Women; Member, Alabama House of Representatives - @RepLauraHallD19 @NOBELWomen1
Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sr., Founder and President, Rainbow PUSH Coalition - @RPCoalition @RevJJackson (Invited)
Hilary O. Shelton, Director of the NAACP Washington Bureau & Senior Vice President for Advocacy and Policy, NAACP - @HilaryOShelton @NAACP
Brent Wilkes, President and CEO, League of United Latin American Citizens; Member, MMTC Board of Directors - @BrentWilkes @LULAC
Closing Remarks:
Kim Keenan, President and CEO, MMTC - @IamKimKeenan @MMTConline
Description: Current and former members of Congress, state legislators, and policy advocates address the biggest issues in telecom, tech, entrepreneurship, and the digital divide, and the impact of these issues on their constituents.
Brent Wilkes, President and CEO, League of United Latin American Citizens; Member, MMTC Board of Directors - @BrentWilkes @LULAC
Hon. Tony Cárdenas (D-CA), Member, U.S. House of Representatives - @RepCardenas
Hon. Edolphus “Ed” Towns, Member of Congress Emeritus;
Co-Chair, MMTC’s Telecom and Internet Policy Task Force - @EdTowns
Opening Remarks:
Hon. Clifford “Cliff” Stearns, Member of Congress Emeritus;
Co-Chair, MMTC’s Telecom and Internet Policy Task Force - @RepCliffStearns
Hon. Edolphus “Ed” Towns, Member of Congress Emeritus;
Co-Chair, MMTC’s Telecom and Internet Policy Task Force - @EdTowns
Hon. Yvette D. Clarke (D-NY), Member, U.S. House of Representatives - @RepYvetteClarke
Introduction of Keynote:
Hon. Julia L. Johnson, President and CEO, NetCommunications; Chair, MMTC Board of Directors - @JuliaLJohn @MMTConline
Luncheon Keynote and Hall of Fame Inductee:
Hon. Rodney E. Slater, Former Secretary, U. S. Department of Transportation; Partner, Squire Patton Boggs - #RodneyESlater @SPB_Global
Presentation of Award:
Ari Q. Fitzgerald, Partner, Hogan Lovells; Secretary, MMTC Board of Directors - @HoganLovells
Corporate Social Impact Award:
Accepted by: Pia D. Wilson-Body, Executive Director, Intel Foundation & Director of Greater Americas, Corporate Affairs, Intel - @PWBODY @intel
Santana Initiative to Encourage Mobile Video Use for Social Justice:
Kim Keenan, President and CEO, MMTC - @IamKimKeenan @MMTConline
Remarks by Partners:
Hon. Laura Hall (AL), National President, National Organization of Black Elected Legislative (NOBEL) Women; Member, Alabama House of Representatives - @RepLauraHallD19 @NOBELWomen1
Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sr., Founder and President, Rainbow PUSH Coalition - @RPCoalition @RevJJackson (Invited)
Hilary O. Shelton, Director of the NAACP Washington Bureau & Senior Vice President for Advocacy and Policy, NAACP - @HilaryOShelton @NAACP
Brent Wilkes, President and CEO, League of United Latin American Citizens; Member, MMTC Board of Directors - @BrentWilkes @LULAC
Closing Remarks:
Kim Keenan, President and CEO, MMTC - @IamKimKeenan @MMTConline

Rethinking the Investment Game: Angels, Incubators, Accelerators, Crowdfunding, and Other Alternative Capital Sources
Description: Hear from VCs, incubators, crowdfunding, and financing experts to find out exactly what funders are looking for when making investment decisions.
Nicolaine Lazarre, Vice President and General Counsel, National Urban League; Member, MMTC Board of Directors; President, MMTC Broadcasting, Inc. - @Nicolelazarre @NatUrbanLeague
Curtis N. Symonds, Founder and CEO, HBCUX Networks - #CurtisSymonds @HBCUX
Patrick Campbell, Partner, Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP - #PatrickCampbell @PaulWeissLLP
Kate Glantz, Director of Entrepreneur Initiatives DC, SEED SPOT - @kateglantz @seedspot
Doug Gordon, Co-Founder and Executive Vice President, Fundation Group LLC - #DougGordon @fundationgroup
Caroline Hofmann, Chief Operating Officer, Republic - #CarolineHofmann @joinrepublic
Paula Jagemann, Founder and Chief Visionary Officer, Someone With Group - #PaulaJagemann @Someone_With
Matthew Lancaster, President, Keiretsu Forum of Pittsburgh - #MatthewLancaster @KeiretsuMid_Atl
Maureen Murat, Esq., Founder and CEO, Crowdie Advisors, LLC - #MaureenMurat @CrowdieAdvisors
Rodney Sampson, Partner, TechSquare Labs; Chairman, The Opportunity Hub; Managing Partner, Legacy Opportunity Fund; Member, MMTC Board of Directors - @rodneysampson @TechSquare @OHubGlobal
Aaron Saunders, Founder and CEO, Clearly Innovative Inc., Luma Lab, and Inclusive Innovation Incubator - @aaronksaunders @In3DC @C_Innovative
Description: Hear from VCs, incubators, crowdfunding, and financing experts to find out exactly what funders are looking for when making investment decisions.
Nicolaine Lazarre, Vice President and General Counsel, National Urban League; Member, MMTC Board of Directors; President, MMTC Broadcasting, Inc. - @Nicolelazarre @NatUrbanLeague
Curtis N. Symonds, Founder and CEO, HBCUX Networks - #CurtisSymonds @HBCUX
Patrick Campbell, Partner, Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP - #PatrickCampbell @PaulWeissLLP
Kate Glantz, Director of Entrepreneur Initiatives DC, SEED SPOT - @kateglantz @seedspot
Doug Gordon, Co-Founder and Executive Vice President, Fundation Group LLC - #DougGordon @fundationgroup
Caroline Hofmann, Chief Operating Officer, Republic - #CarolineHofmann @joinrepublic
Paula Jagemann, Founder and Chief Visionary Officer, Someone With Group - #PaulaJagemann @Someone_With
Matthew Lancaster, President, Keiretsu Forum of Pittsburgh - #MatthewLancaster @KeiretsuMid_Atl
Maureen Murat, Esq., Founder and CEO, Crowdie Advisors, LLC - #MaureenMurat @CrowdieAdvisors
Rodney Sampson, Partner, TechSquare Labs; Chairman, The Opportunity Hub; Managing Partner, Legacy Opportunity Fund; Member, MMTC Board of Directors - @rodneysampson @TechSquare @OHubGlobal
Aaron Saunders, Founder and CEO, Clearly Innovative Inc., Luma Lab, and Inclusive Innovation Incubator - @aaronksaunders @In3DC @C_Innovative

MMTC Capital Pitch Competition
Description: MMTC presents its second annual Capital Pitch Competition for idea phase and early-stage multicultural startups in the areas of media, telecom, tech, and access to capital. Five multicultural- and women-owned startups pitch to a panel of judges for the chance to win the $5,000 grand prize. In addition to the first and second place winners selected by judges, conference attendees will have the chance to vote for the People’s Choice Award.
Brandon Andrews, Senior Consultant, Values Partnerships; Casting Agent for ABC’s Shark Tank and Steve Harvey's Funderdome - @brandontalk
Estrella Cramer, Supplier Diversity Director, UPS - #EstrellaCramer @UPS
Kim Keenan, President and CEO, MMTC - @IamKimKeenan @MMTConline
Aaron Ting, Assistant Deputy General Counsel, Comcast - #AaronTing @Comcast
Pia D. Wilson-Body, Executive Director, Intel Foundation & Director of Greater Americas, Corporate Affairs, Intel - @PWBODY @intel
Pitch Presentations:
Rohan Gilkes, Founder and CEO, Innclusive - @Innclusive @rohangilkes
Chad Hall, CEO, RemodelMate, Inc. - @RemodelMate @cmhaitch
Derrius Quarles, Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer, BREAUX Capital - @BreauxCapital @drquarles
Kiley Summers, Founder and CEO, SpenDebt, LLC - @spendebt @K_Summs
Hua Wang, CEO, SmartBridge Health - @SmartBridgeGrp @huawang0
Description: MMTC presents its second annual Capital Pitch Competition for idea phase and early-stage multicultural startups in the areas of media, telecom, tech, and access to capital. Five multicultural- and women-owned startups pitch to a panel of judges for the chance to win the $5,000 grand prize. In addition to the first and second place winners selected by judges, conference attendees will have the chance to vote for the People’s Choice Award.
Brandon Andrews, Senior Consultant, Values Partnerships; Casting Agent for ABC’s Shark Tank and Steve Harvey's Funderdome - @brandontalk
Estrella Cramer, Supplier Diversity Director, UPS - #EstrellaCramer @UPS
Kim Keenan, President and CEO, MMTC - @IamKimKeenan @MMTConline
Aaron Ting, Assistant Deputy General Counsel, Comcast - #AaronTing @Comcast
Pia D. Wilson-Body, Executive Director, Intel Foundation & Director of Greater Americas, Corporate Affairs, Intel - @PWBODY @intel
Pitch Presentations:
Rohan Gilkes, Founder and CEO, Innclusive - @Innclusive @rohangilkes
Chad Hall, CEO, RemodelMate, Inc. - @RemodelMate @cmhaitch
Derrius Quarles, Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer, BREAUX Capital - @BreauxCapital @drquarles
Kiley Summers, Founder and CEO, SpenDebt, LLC - @spendebt @K_Summs
Hua Wang, CEO, SmartBridge Health - @SmartBridgeGrp @huawang0

MMTC Capital Pitch Awards and Networking Reception
Description: MMTC announces the Capital Pitch Competition Grand Prize, Second Prize, and People’s Choice Award Winners.
Brandon Andrews, Senior Consultant, Values Partnerships; Casting Agent for ABC’s Shark Tank and Steve Harvey's Funderdome - @brandontalk
Kim Keenan, President and CEO, MMTC - @IamKimKeenan @MMTConline
Presentation of Awards to Winners:
First Place
Second Place
People’s Choice Award
Description: MMTC announces the Capital Pitch Competition Grand Prize, Second Prize, and People’s Choice Award Winners.
Brandon Andrews, Senior Consultant, Values Partnerships; Casting Agent for ABC’s Shark Tank and Steve Harvey's Funderdome - @brandontalk
Kim Keenan, President and CEO, MMTC - @IamKimKeenan @MMTConline
Presentation of Awards to Winners:
First Place
Second Place
People’s Choice Award