MMTC President and CEO Kim M. Keenan delivers MMTC’s Annual State of Broadband and Social Justice Address, with a special re ection on MMTC’s thirty years of advocacy. MMTC confers its Champion of Digital Equality, Distinguished Pro Bono Service, and Digital Media Vanguard Awards.
The Impact of New Media Platforms on Media Diversity - Panelists discuss the challenges multicultural programmers and broadcasters face in connecting with their audiences; how new platforms and phenomena such as skinny bundles, cord-cutting, and over-the-top video have signi cantly changed the way content creators and distributors connect to consumers; whether the movement to give consumers more choice and access to programming on demand is helping or hindering progress for people of color; and how recent FCC actions have impacted opportunities for diverse creators and owners.
How High Tech Platforms Can Bridge Health, Wealth, and Educational Disparities in the 21st Century - Panelists discuss how technology can be used to bridge disparities in education, health, wealth, and environment that often impact multicultural communities. Topics include digital learning, STEM, telehealth, telework, the homework gap, energy and environmental justice, the Internet of Things, and the connected home.
The Impact of Media Portrayals and Multicultural Programming on Public Perceptions of Communities of Color - Panelists discuss the portrayals of diverse communities in news, entertainment, and political discourse and the potential adverse impact on these communities, including the role that distribution and content can play to improve perceptions and create opportunities for these communities.
Platform Neutrality and Minority Opportunity in the Digital Age - During the Obama Administration, the Federal Communications Commission has considered a number of issues impacting opportunities for diverse participation and ownership including broadband access, foreign investment, the predicted spectrum shortage, and new media distribution platforms. As we near the end of this administration, the FCC Commissioners discuss the recent and future impact of the Commission’s decisions, covering such issues as the Lifeline Program, E-Rate, broadband access, net neutrality, diverse programming, zero-rating, and spectrum auctions.
The Santana Resolution to Use Mobile Video for Voter Protection and to Document Encounters with Law Enforcement
Getting Past the Regulatory Gridlock - Former FCC Chairs provide a 2015 regulatory and legislative review and offer projections on the future of the media and telecom regulatory space.
Former members of Congress and federal and state legislative leaders discuss the policies, best practices, public-private partnerships, regulatory initiatives, legislation, and executive orders that can drive technological change, job creation, innovation, and economic opportunity.
Paths for Diverse Participation in the Supply Chain - Industry leaders discuss how telecom and broadband regulatory reform can advance multicultural entrepreneurship, jobs, and economic opportunity; how the FCC can best react to market trends; and how the FCC should examine its rules to enable diversity and innovation while reducing barriers to entry.
Overcoming Barriers and Creating Opportunity in Spectrum and Infrastructure - Government and industry representatives share strategies for improving diverse participation in network infrastructure and deployment of broadband.
The Common Sense Case for Tech, Corporate, and Government Diversity - Panelists address the importance of diversity and inclusion in the workforce, the C-suite, and on corporate boards, as well as how promoting diverse entrepreneurs helps generate jobs in communities of color. Following a presentation on a recent study of the lack of diversity among Senate staff, panelists will discuss the importance of diversity in government and business.
MMTC honors late co-founder Everett C. Parker, inducts MMTC heroes into its Hall of Fame, confers the Everett C. Parker Lifetime Achievement Award, and acknowledges the outstanding dedication and commitment to diversity of exceptional policy experts. Andrea Hoffman and Kathey Porter discuss and sign copies of their book, “The Fifty Billion Dollar Boss: African American Women Sharing Stories of Success in Entrepreneurship and Leadership.”